Monday, April 18, 2011

Blessings Galour

1.  Josh and I were having a hard time coming up with ways to improve our small group dynamics and our leadership. We love the people in our group and really wanted to maximize its potential but by the time 7:00 Wednesday rolls around we are beat. It’s only an hour til our bedtime (ish) and it’s mid week and we are drained. We didn’t know what direction to take because we felt too crunched for time to get both a lesson/discussion in about the Bible and to also get relationship building time. We were really struggling. So last Wed we had a “family” meeting and talked about what we could change and how we could improve. Our whole group was really interactive and came up with some super ideas. We are stoked for the future of our small group and the direction it is taking. Last night went really well and we are glad to have such an amazing group of people we get to meet with and share life with. YAY God for answering a huge prayer and lifting up our heavy hearts! He’s cool!
2. Josh & I were both promoted this week. Joshua is now the site supervisor and I am the new manager of Ground Control in Verrado. It’s been really cool for us to each have the confirmation of a job well done and to have the added income so we can pay off debt, save for a house, and do more with the ministries we are involved in. It also gives us almost the same schedule. Josh works Mon thru Fri 6-2 and I work Tues thru Sat 6-2. And now we have Fri and Sat nights free to hang out with other people whereas before I was always serving on those nights and hardly ever got to go out with people. We are very excited and feel incredibly blessed.

3. We got a couch. Futon now gets to go in the man room where it belongs. Lol

4. I am starting to sell Arbonne so get ready for some parties ladies.

5. We figured out that Josh’s cough of 4 months is due to allergies so with the help of some allergy meds we
are both sleeping again. Praise the Lord!

6. This is Josh’s favorite number so I feel like I can’t stop yet. I love my husband.

7. This is my favorite number so I guess I’ll end on that positive note. Peace out homeskillets.

My Birthday

Aww man. I started blogging and then had a bunch of really great things happen that I wanted to write about and now too much time has passed and 50 pages worth of material has come and gone. Such is life. I guess that’s why good intentions don’t get us very far.

My birthday was AMAAZZAAZZING! We celebrated for 4 days. Yes. FOUR. It included some awesome gifts from my husband: a box of new Crayola crayons (I LOVE NEW CRAYONS and I don’t use crayons after the tip wears down cuz then they just aren’t the same, even if you sharpen them.) I haven’t gotten a new box of crayons in probably 2 or 3 years. This was very exciting to me! He also got me a movie and some Circus cookies and my first ever “For my Wife” card! And best of all we colored a picture together and he intentionally picked a picture that only required the color brown since I don’t really care for that color and therefore would not be upset if the tip wasn’t sharp anymore. He’s great!

Saturday morning we went to family breakfast, and a Giants spring training game later that evening. Then Sunday, Caleb and Miriam (Josh’s brother and his wife) took us to a movie. It was great to spend time with them. However I will briefly say that Sucker Punch was an absolutely horrible movie and I don’t recommend anybody watch it ever! Awful! Awful! Then Sunday night Aaron & Christen (my besties) took us out to The Melting Pot. Oh my goodness….best restaurant ever. Highly recommended. I loved everything about it and can’t wait until my husband and I can afford to take a special trip back. It is definitely an indulgence place but if you get the opportunity to go at some point in your life it is well worth it! Amazing food, amazing place. And as to some people’s hesitation about having to “cook your own food”, it’s not really like that at all. There is a burner in the middle of your table. The server prepares all the sauces and brings you everything you need. The only part that involves participation is sticking the food on the tong and letting it sit in the pot for 2 minutes or dipping it into the sauce. It gives you an opportunity to enjoy every bite and to talk with the people at your table. I really like it and didn’t think it was a bother or any more effort than cutting my food up and sticking it my mouth at any other restaurant. This just happened to give you timed intervals when nobody had food in their mouth to enjoy each other’s company and then everybody takes a bite at the same time and then goes back to talking. Way cool if you ask me.

Then on Monday Christen and I went to IKEA which is now my newest favorite store in the whole world. It has EVERYTHING and at super great prices. I will be going back.  I could spend hours there. Which is why I am glad I have Christen because she doesn’t rush me and we can enjoy ourselves without worrying that the other of us is getting bored or wants to leave. Best friends are awesome.
This is the first birthday I have had where I went all out on the celebrating front since I was 10 and got carbon monoxide. If it weren’t for some of my friends and family in the past couple years I probably wouldn’t have celebrated at all. I am very blessed to have so many people around me who love me. Thanks to everyone who helped to make my birthday amazing and to show their love for me. I feel very loved!!!

P.S. I can’t wait to go see Les Mis in June. That is Mom & Dad Lewis’ present to all of us for our birthdays this year and I am so stoked! YAY

Stop Warning Me Please!

Ok, so what’s up with the negative Mother In Law crap?! Who started that anyway? And is there the same stigma in other countries?  The comments people make about their MIL’s are awful! And what’s even worse is the preparation they feel they need to give me on what I should expect and how to “deal”. These are just as bad as everybody telling me to wait until the honeymoon phase is over. Why does everything have to be so negative? Can’t I just truly be happy and have nothing lurking over my head about how dark and dreary my future looks? Come on people, have a little optimism please.

For the record, I just want to say that I have an amazing mother in law. She is kind, sweet, and caring. She doesn’t nag about when we are going to have a baby, make comments about my weight or house cleaning abilities, say anything negative about my ability to cook, or pester us everyday wanting to check up on her son. I know she cares about him very much and the transition of having your sons grow up and move out is hard I am sure. But she has handled it with grace, dignity, and been very, very helpful to me. She was super wonderful through all of the wedding prep . She’s offered to help me learn to cook a few things, is always genuine in her interaction with me and is willing to lend a hand or advice whenever we ask for it but doesn’t barge in or act overbearingly. We get along great.

That being said…even if we didn’t get along great I think it’s important to protect your family as well as your spouse.  I believe you get what you settle for and if all you are expecting from your in laws is that they are going to be horrible, overbearing, nagging people who are always telling you to do things the “right” way, than that is all you are going to see. I am not saying people don’t have issues getting used to a new family. It can be hard at times. I am sure there are some MILs that make it very difficult on their DILs. I know that people in general can be annoying, hurt our feelings, or butt in where they don’t belong. That’s not just a MIL thing though. That’s a human thing. The important thing to remember is complaining about it all the time and trash talking about your new family isn’t going to help. And I’m sure your spouse doesn’t appreciate hearing all those negative things about their loved ones.

Even if your mother in law is horrible and your personalities clash you don’t  need to spread it around the whole community or share it with all your other friends whose MIL stink. That’s just creates fuel for the fire. AND certainly people don’t need tell every prospective bride to look out for her MIL because she’s going to be a monster. Gee, thanks for the encouragement. That’s like saying I had a job with a boss once that was totally awful so since you are old enough to get a job now let me just tell you how much your boss is going to hate you and put a ton of pressure and deadlines on you and breathe down your neck every five seconds.  It doesn’t make for a very positive outlook to start with.

I look at the story of Ruth in the Bible and wonder what problems she might have had with her mother in law. It says Naomi changed her name (which meant pleasant) to Mara (meaning bitter). Obviously she didn’t want to be associated with joy anymore or being pleasant. She plainly states that she is bitter. She says the Lord sent her away full but now she is coming back empty. Talk about a depressed person. Then she even takes it a step further and tells her DILs to go back to where they came from because she has nothing left to offer. Yet Ruth, knowing she has found the One, True God, will not leave her MIL’s side. She trusts that GOD will work out everything that needs to be worked out. And then she accompanies this bitter, old, depressed woman to an unfamiliar land and goes to work trying to provide a life for them. She remains respectful to Naomi, she seeks her counsel, and BECAUSE of her reputation that precedes her in how she dealt with her mother in law, Ruth is looked favorably upon by Boaz who marries her. 

Ladies, our character can take us a long way. What does our character say if we are belittling and smack talking the people in our family? How can we be more like Ruth? Maybe this week instead of dreading that visit from the MIL, pray for God to show you what He sees in her. Pray for patience and for an open mind. And make a commitment to stop cutting her down with your words. The foothold that trash talking another person gives Satan is huge. It causes us to miss out on a lot of great things. And please don’t feel like I am targeting you or like your situation isn’t possibly very difficult. I have difficult people all around me. I know what it is like. But maybe we just need to have a little faith in people. And a lot of faith that God can do anything and work through everything.