Monday, April 18, 2011

Blessings Galour

1.  Josh and I were having a hard time coming up with ways to improve our small group dynamics and our leadership. We love the people in our group and really wanted to maximize its potential but by the time 7:00 Wednesday rolls around we are beat. It’s only an hour til our bedtime (ish) and it’s mid week and we are drained. We didn’t know what direction to take because we felt too crunched for time to get both a lesson/discussion in about the Bible and to also get relationship building time. We were really struggling. So last Wed we had a “family” meeting and talked about what we could change and how we could improve. Our whole group was really interactive and came up with some super ideas. We are stoked for the future of our small group and the direction it is taking. Last night went really well and we are glad to have such an amazing group of people we get to meet with and share life with. YAY God for answering a huge prayer and lifting up our heavy hearts! He’s cool!
2. Josh & I were both promoted this week. Joshua is now the site supervisor and I am the new manager of Ground Control in Verrado. It’s been really cool for us to each have the confirmation of a job well done and to have the added income so we can pay off debt, save for a house, and do more with the ministries we are involved in. It also gives us almost the same schedule. Josh works Mon thru Fri 6-2 and I work Tues thru Sat 6-2. And now we have Fri and Sat nights free to hang out with other people whereas before I was always serving on those nights and hardly ever got to go out with people. We are very excited and feel incredibly blessed.

3. We got a couch. Futon now gets to go in the man room where it belongs. Lol

4. I am starting to sell Arbonne so get ready for some parties ladies.

5. We figured out that Josh’s cough of 4 months is due to allergies so with the help of some allergy meds we
are both sleeping again. Praise the Lord!

6. This is Josh’s favorite number so I feel like I can’t stop yet. I love my husband.

7. This is my favorite number so I guess I’ll end on that positive note. Peace out homeskillets.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so cute! I loved standing and talking to you on Saturday night. Sorry it got cut short but I had to assist my Mom with a few things :o)

    Jeff said you want to do a double date at some point. That sounds lovely! Let's see what we can do about that...
