Friday, July 13, 2012

A Place to Call My Own

This week I have been searching my soul hoping to restore the parts of me I miss the most. I have been struggling immensely with feelings of guilt. Guilt for not being the wife and the mother and I want to be or had hoped I "magically" would be. Guilt for wanting them to just go away for a minute so I can be by myself, alone with my own thoughts and feelings. Just alone for long enough to figure out what is making me so frustrated. And then it hit me...I am so frustrated because I don't get any time to myself. I haven't had any time to feed my soul or nurture my innermost being. I've read the Bible late at night when the circles around my eyes have almost reached black and my head is so swarmy I can't even comprehend a single thing I am reading. I have prayed. Desperate prayers mostly. In the middle of the night. Prayers that go something like: "Lord, please let him not be waking up. Lord, please let him stay asleep. Lord, please give me patience; I am SO tired. Lord, please help me fight the urge to push my snooring, mouth wide opened, soundly sleeping husband off the bed. Lord, please, please help me."
Mostly due to the moving, and all the changes, and the weird schedules, and then also to my lack of security in the beginning months with anyone having my son but me, I have worn myself thin. I could give you all the reasons I am worn so thin, and a good sob story, but that isn't the point. I don't need to convince anybody that I need the time or of all the reasons why it's been so hard to take it. Everybody has a list like that. I am no different. My reasons are no better in the long run. I am going to wear myself right out. So I am in search of a space to call my own. And a time slot. Just to be by myself. Alone with my thoughts, listening to my music, reading my Bible, talking to my God. Alone. Because at this rate my poor husband doesn't even feel wanted in his own home. Without intending to, I have been in such need of some space that it is seeping from every pore. If I don't figure this out soon, I am going to kill a perfectly wonderful marriage.
We had a good talk yesterday as I told him of this need. This is a deep rooted need, going back as far as I can remember. When I was 10 we lived in a 2 bedroom trailer with 7 people. I had my own room. Not because I had asked for it, but because my mother knew it was what I would need. I remember being hesitant to accept it because it didn't seem fair. Still doesn't. Everybody understood though. I just needed a place to be alone in order to be ok. I have been the one sleeping on the couch, or sharing a room, but I always found a place to call my own. A closet, a niche above the pantry, the rooftop of a camper.
When Josh and I got married, he went to work and I made the entire house my space. I had plenty of time to be alone. Since this became routine, I forgot it was a need. Then, Kaiden was born, and shortly after Josh lost his job, and we moved. Now his primary job is being on call at night and the other hours are spattered here and there during the day and Kaiden is testing the limits of nap time (currently about 30 minutes is all we get in unless I am holding him).
I am proud to be a wife and a mother, but before I was either, I was proud to be Rachel, a beloved child of God. If I don't take some time away I may lose her. And she's the only reason I ever make a very good wife or mother anyway. This week my goal is to find time and space. I am not sure yet whether I will make a space in my home, or outside, or in another house here on sight. The harder part I feel will be the time. Please pray for me friends, as I squash the guilt that has kept me thus far from taking the time. I thought I cast out the demon of guilt from my life long ago. Apparently, somewhere, I have allowed him to reenter. Oh that once we were pulled out of a pit, it wasn't so easy to fall into another, shaped oddly enough just like the first. Please pray that I am able to get enough time away with my Lord and Savior that He is able to make all things right again.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Peaches and Dreams

Over the 4th of July week my mother's best friend, my other one mommy, Laura, came to visit. I always look forward to seeing her; I love the woman dearly. However, despite the excitement, the week leading up to her arrival I was, well, a word that we don't say in our house. I was annoyed by every little thing, including my two favorite people on the planet: my husband andI my son. Feeling frustrated at my 3 month old brought a whole set of accompanying feelings along with it. I felt like a terrible mom, guilty for not wanting to hold my son or be around him 24/7. I felt GUILTY for needing a BREAK. I tried to pray, but even that frustrated me. I just couldn't seem to find that peace I was so desperately in need of.

When my sisters and I were little, my mother and Laura used to have what they call "Peaches and Dreams". We were NOT ALLOWED at these special gatherings. Often times they happened in one of their living rooms and my sisters and I would play in our room, wondering (and often sneaking out to try to get catch a glimpse of) what they were doing out there with the lights all off and candles lit all over the entire living room. However, despite our attempts to peak, we never really understood what it was all about. The mystery kept us each intrigued until our 18th year, when we each got our very own Peaches experience. I remember them telling me what Peaches was the night I was initiated in. But it wasn't until I became a Mommy that I really got it.

Peaches was started out of desperation. Desperation to just have a minute away. To remember your dreams. To be with another woman, your best friend, and remember what it was to thrive. To be much more than what the daily grind will often wear you down to. I may only be 3 months in, but now I know the desperation they felt.

We read a passage from Anne Leamont (spelling) about motherhood. People are all too quick to tell you how tired you will be, how hard parenting is. But nobody tells you about the guilt that comes along with the feelings of wishing just for a moment you had some peace. These are feelings that come no matter how badly you want to be a mommy, no matter how much you have dreamed of this very moment. I have wanted to be a mommy every since I can remember. I took care of my sisters. I baby sat. I LOVE children and we want to have a slew of them. But that does not make me the exception. It does not exempt me from that moment at 3 a.m., after you have spent all day moving (again), and you are staying in a place that is not your home, and your crap is everywhere, and you've been up since 6 unloading the Uhaul, and your body is still not quite the same after giving birth, and all you can think about it crawling into bed to go to sleep, but then your little one wakes up and you put him to bed 3 or 4 times and yet he is still waking up every 5 minutes and crying and finally you hit that moment of desperation when you sob like a baby and pray for your baby to please just go to sleep. I am sure there will be moments like that all throughout my son's growing up. And that's ok. Because I love him, and my God is bigger than those moments and He is with me always.

BUT...I still am going to need a break sometimes. AND...I have to take the time to thrive and remember what it is like to DREAM.

During this last Peaches, we each came up with a list of things we used to do before we became mothers. I went a little further and wrote out some of the things I used to do before I became a wife as well. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Other than a few random blogs, I have not written since Josh and I got engaged. Somehow in all the excitement, and newness, and moving, and pregnancy, and all the life changes that have happened, I lost a part of myself. A HUGE part of myself. I lost my coping mechanism. From there, it has spiraled. I have lost quite a bit more than the part of me who writes. I stopped dreaming. I stopped dancing. I stopped feeling good about myself.

I miss writing, and doing intense devotionals. I miss writing poems about my Maker. I miss being PASSIONATE. I miss feeling beautiful. I miss listening to music that soothed my soul and made me dance. I miss ME.

Which makes me wonder if my husband misses ME too. The woman he fell in love with has gone into hiding. And I've got to get her back. For my sake, for my husbands sake, and for my little boys sake. that I have been hit with a ton of bricks, I am not going to sit around waiting for another set to smack me in the face. I gotta get moving, healing, thriving. And so, I think I have found what I am going to write about for the foreseeable future. I can't make a promise to write every week or every day, but I invite you to come along with me on this journey, as I figure out how to balance being a passionate follower of Christ, a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a neighbor, a friend. First things first, as my mother would say: "It's Java Jesus time". (Decaf for me, you know, because of the whole breastfeeding thing, and the fact that it is 10:30 at night). See you soon.